Another Health 2.0 flame-out has occurred, this time Wellsphere was picked up yesterday by HealthCentral. Not sure why HealthCentral would even remotely be interested in Wellsphere as Wellsphere is one of those companies I just could not get excited about.
Wellsphere use to SPAM me about once a month requesting that I join their community by providing a direct RSS feed of Chilmark Research postings claiming that in doing so, Chilmark Research’s visibility will grow and who knows, maybe our influence leading to fame and fortune. Each time I received one of these emails, I would head over to the Wellsphere site and take a quick look. Each time, I left unimpressed.
Wellsphere was not going to help Chilmark and if anything, probably hurt us as our reason for being is not general, consumer information, but technical information better suited for stakeholders/businesses currently in the healthcare sector or those looking for opportunties and entry points therein.
With the demise, or let’s call it folding in of Wellsphere into HealthCentral for an undisclosed sum, all those bloggers that got suckered into Wellsphere are now crying foul for not getting a piece of the action and there has been a lot of moaning, groaning and bitching in the health Blogosphere.
Please folks, get it through your head: Wellsphere was a business and as a business would take what actions it deemed necessary that were in the best interests of their founders and funders, not you. You, dear Blogger readily turned over your copyrights to Wellsphere. Is that their problem, or yours? Take this as a lesson to pay just a bit more attention to who you partner with and what interests you share that you may both profit upon. If those interests are not readily apparent, move on.
In other news…
The leading tracker of Internet traffic, comScore, just released its scores of top growing Internet properties and Everyday Health comes in at Number 5! Nice uptick for them that will certainly get the attention of advertisers. Expect Everyday Health to continue to do well as advertisers pull their funding from those sites getting less traffic, moving to quality properties. Expect more Health 2.0 flame-outs as most are still too reliant on advertising to make their business models work.